Source code for antivirus.conf_writer

#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Interpreter version: python 2.7
This module is used to write and update configuration for ClamAV daemon.

# Functions & objects =========================================================
[docs]def add_or_update(data, item, value): """ Add or update value in configuration file format used by proftpd. Args: data (str): Configuration file as string. item (str): What option will be added/updated. value (str): Value of option. Returns: str: updated configuration """ data = data.splitlines() # to list of bytearrays (this is useful, because their reference passed to # other functions can be changed, and it will change objects in arrays # unlike strings) data = map(lambda x: bytearray(x), data) # search for the item in raw (ucommented) values conf = filter(lambda x: x.strip() and x.strip().split()[0] == item, data) if conf: conf[0][:] = conf[0].strip().split()[0] + " " + value else: # search for the item in commented values, if found, uncomment it comments = filter( lambda x: x.strip().startswith("#") and len(x.split("#")) >= 2 and x.split("#")[1].split() and x.split("#")[1].split()[0] == item, data ) if comments: comments[0][:] = comments[0].split("#")[1].split()[0] + " " + value else: # add item, if not found in raw/commented values data.append(item + " " + value + "\n") return "\n".join(map(lambda x: str(x), data)) # convert back to string
[docs]def comment(data, what): """ Comments line containing `what` in string `data`. Args: data (str): Configuration file in string. what (str): Line which will be commented out. Returns: str: Configuration file with commented `what`. """ data = data.splitlines() data = map( lambda x: "#" + x if x.strip().split() == what.split() else x, data ) return "\n".join(data)